Applications and Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Agreements are
available, immediately below, in PDF format for
download. Please select the location of your choice,
print and complete both the application form and the
pre-authorized debit form, and submit by standard mail to
the address noted on each document, or by EMAIL.
Preference will be given to siblings of children already
enrolled in the program and to Montessori transfer
students. A non-refundable deposit of $150.00 is
required for all applications.
Please review our SCHOOL
POLICY MANUAL prior to completing
your application.
is not a system for training children in academic studies
but a revolutionary method of observing and following the
interests of children, and continually adapting the
environment from which they learn, by means of
experimentation and research, what they need to know in
order to contribute to society and the environment, and to
become fulfilled persons in their particular time and
place on Earth." - THE INTERNATIONAL